Tired of your dog begging for your food?

While, as a rule, it’s not a good idea to cave when your dog starts begging, there are some “people foods” that dogs can eat without issue.

If you want to mix up your dog’s diet every now and then, here are a few dog-friendly foods experts agree are OK for most furry bellies. But be sure to consult with your veterinarian first to be on the safe side.


Plain Yogurt
Plain yogurt is chock-full of calcium, protein and active bacteria that can help your dog’s digestive system function better. You’ll want to look for plain yogurt though.

Sweet Potato
These orange spuds are a good source of dietary fiber and contain lots of vitamins, such as vitamin A and vitamin B-6

Peanut Butter
This one will get your dog’s tail wagging—vigorously. Fill a Kong with peanut butter and a few treats and your dog will be one happy camper. Peanut butter contains healthy fats and protein. Plus, it tastes great, which makes peanut butter particularly useful for convincing your dog to swallow pills.

Your dog will love munching on some unseasoned chicken, turkey or ham. Just be sure it’s cooked thoroughly—if your dog isn’t used to eating raw meats, his system may have a bad reaction. You’ll also want to steer clear of meat that has been flavored with garlic and onions, which can be toxic to dogs,

Fully cooked fish such as salmon and sardines are just fine for your dog to eat. Fish is high in protein, healthy fats and amino acids. Like all other “people foods,” make sure the fish is fully cooked before you share it with your pup.

Like peanut butter, cheese is an all-time favorite of many dogs. You’ll want to look for low-fat cheeses such as mozzarella and cottage cheese. Cheese, which can be high in sodium and fat, is OK in small doses every now and then.

Raw slices of this crunchy fruit make perfect dog treats. They also help clean gunk off your dog’s teeth—it’s a win-win.

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